Sunday, October 31, 2010

It's Spring and I'm down with a cold

Can't believe it. The weather is getting better, the garden invites. And here I am sick. But on the positive note, we had our 1st light party as a family and it was a hit. Really good to focus on what the Bible says, and have fun together. Then sitting and waiting for trick or treater to turn away. sadly we had one little girl come to the door. And this is how that went. Knock, knock (me) "Hello" there's a little may be 5yrs old girl all alone at our door silent. (me) "Sorry, we don't do Halloween here" while I looked for some adult or someone she must have been with it was 8pm. Finally she spoke (little girl) "Got any lollies?" (me) "No, sorry" and that was true only lollies we had in the house was DD9 birthday present lolly bag. As the story continued I went to see who she was with and out of the bush at front of our property was he 12yr old brother. (me) "Bye" as she was halfway to her brother. More then ever I can't stand Halloween!!
Well time to get ready and get children off to school.

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